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POSTGRESQL - FATAL Azure AD principal with XXX is not a member of the provided Azure AD group


DBAAS is stable service, but the omboarding of the users & admin should be improved.

At some point, when you follow the Getting Started for the first time, you may experience issues like:

in command line:

psql "host=${PG_URL} \
user=${PG_USER} \
dbname=postgres sslmode=require"
psql: error: connection to server at "" (, port 5432 failed: FATAL: Azure AD principal with oid[35f017aa-5be5-482c-ae3c-44c8818dfd28] is not a member of the provided Azure AD group.

using PGadmin:



At the dbaas creation, an AAD group has been created: PG_USER (with -aadadmins at the end). If you experience the previous error, it means that you are not member of this AAD group.

HOWTO solve IT ?

Please raise a generic ticket using postIT asking to be member of the following AAD group: dbaas-${TENANT_NAME}-psq-flex${FLEXIBLE_INDEX}-aadadmins


  • TENANT_NAME would be the name of your dbaas instance
  • FLEXIBLE_INDEX would be the ID of your dbaas. by default: 1