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Enable Corporate Addon


Previously, corporate environments was flagged as C3* (Confidential Level 3). If you are interested to understand why the naming has changed, have a look at the Corporate Addon Article on MCS blog"


Trustnest is a cloud platform deliberately exposed on internet to facilitate:

  • the accesses from the users to Thales New Generation of Products (SaaS)
  • the ingestion of data coming from Thales Products (ex: IoT)

In certain cases (look at the use cases section), this wide exposition is not desired. To do so, a corporate addon can be enabled during the deployment to restrict the endpoint allowed.

How it works ?

DBAAS/Opensearch is based on k8saas service.


Finally, Opensearch/opensearch benefits from the integration of the corporate addon with k8saas.

What are the allowed and forbidden flow ?

Please have a look at the k8saas context section to discover the network flow from TNAP, or RIE network.

To deep dive on the architecture & network topics, we recommend to take some time on k8saas corporate addon Architecture page

HOW to access to dbaas/opensearch with a corporate addon ?

Known limitation

Link to k8saas corporate addon know limitation section